Clinichair - Izmir, Turkey

  • Verified
  • +13Years
    With Us
Company name
1586/3 Sokak No:13, Bayraklı, İZMİR, Izmir, Turkey
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Working hours
  • Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Tuesday: 09:00 - 19:30
  • Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Thursday: 09:00 - 19:30
  • Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday: Closed
Company manager
Aykut SAKA
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Company description

Clinichair was established in 2001 by Güzide Cansu Bilgili and continues to serve today. Clinichair works on hair , beard and brow stems related to hair health and hair problems (only fue method as of 2005), Hair Mesotherapy, Hair PRP.

Clinichair, has made a significant contribution to the health tourism in the domestic and international markets in the past 5 years and has announced its name in approximately 25 countries, performs all its operations in the highest standards of the sector.

We know that personal self-confidence and natural vitality in the direction of our mission against our customers are responsible for the success and reputation of every professional career as well as private life. We also know that a higher hair, beard and eyebrow volume will  
Show more improve everyone's personal well-being and make you look more attractive to the outside world . In this sense, we are developing a basic and promising approach to achieve more satisfaction, higher self-esteem and higher quality of life for thousands of patients at Clinichair, both at home and abroad.

In the name of these goals, in Clinichair we customize each hair transplant ,take care of individual needs and evaluate the individual condition of each patient. We maintain a natural and esthetically pleasing result on patients and use techniques with highly advanced equipment to keep a short and fast recovery due to the minimally invasive character of our techniques and we provide comprehensive patient care throughout this entire process. And at Clinichair, we focus on the world's most advanced FUE method for extracting hair. (follicular unit extraction).

Especially because of the ever increasing demand for hair transplantation, a large number of new clinics in Turkey, began to offer a wide range of services at low quality. Unlike Clinichair, these clinics often have very bad consequences for performing this operation by non-qualified people, hiding the fact that basic parts of the hair transplant process are performed by medical assistants or other members of staff. Because this will reduce the average labor costs drastically, many clinics are able to offer haircuts at bargaining levels, neglecting the most important aspect of intensive medical care.

At Clinichair, every hair transplant is performed entirely by professional hair surgeons. This includes the process of screening and making the plan, the removal and cleaning of the donor site, and the final displacement process at the receiving site. During these basic parts, our patients are kept under the precise control of the professional team. This ensures that Clinichair guarantees high quality throughout all procedures including the entire service range. Unlike many other clinics, hair surgeons in Clinichair will not only take on the responsibility of the extraction process, but at the same time, all processes will be carried out with utmost care, revealing their highly specialized competence.

In addition to all these, Clinichair gives you all the experience that you will live with the packages you offer. Once you reach the airport with our VIP vehicles, we will meet you until the moment we visit you and we will arrange your accommodation at Hilton Garden Inn which is one of the most prominent hotels in İzmir. We would like to accompany you to the package you choose and give you a nice experience.
Location map

Products & Services 1

  • FUE Hair Transplant
    FUE Hair Transplant
    With 3500 Grafts in one session we grant you a top of the li...


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