KARSAC Ventilation CO - Istanbul, Turkey

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KARSAC Ventilation CO
AYOSB Mah. Tuzla Mermerciler O.S.B. Mermerciler Cad. No:47 34953 Aydınlı, Tuzla, İstanbul, TÜRKİYE, Istanbul, Turkey
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Company description
Our company, which has been found in order to render services to our valuable customers, has adopted honesty, quality and affordable price policy as principle since its incorporation and thus, achieved a place where it can meet all needs in today's conditions.

We make it our duty to provide high-quality service at a reasonable price to our valuable customers with our 3500 m² indoor space factory and 50.000 m² monthly production capacity in İstanbul Anatolian Side Organized Industrial Zone Aydınlı / Tuzla, 15.000 m² monthly production capacity in Azerbaijan Baku, our ISO, TSE, CS quality documents.

Car Parks
The exit speed of the equipment should be between 12 and 20. Absorbent should be made near base that exhaust is more dense and near ceiling on others.

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The exit speed of the equipment should be between 12 and 18. The exhaust fan should be rarely winged and the engince should be put out of the box. In order to make the place safe, the above places of canal should be covered with stone wool. In the canal, there should be a control head per 2 meters and in some proper areas there should be drainage.

Restaurant and Pastry Shops
In places like restaurants and Pastry shops, there should be an air curtain in front of the entrance.The blow out should be done by slot canals near windows. The visitors should be well calculated and the exit speed of the equipment should be between 4 and 6. The chimney hood absorbent should be well done.

Offices and Hotels
The exit speed of the equipment should be between 15 and 21 in offices and hotels in order to make a comfortable place. Blow out should be made near window. As it has the property to be like a curtain, it is better for it to be a slot. As the climates that are formed with canals should have a free absorbent in order to increase the performance. Also the number of the visitors should also be considered.

The technical part should be considered as offices. As the hospitals are clean places, there should specially be an extra care in the operating room which should be aired with menfez slot and climate switchboard that are made up of stainless steal. In those operating rooms, the hepa-filter should be used.

In places like tea factories, dust particles should be calculated between 5 and 8. Therefore, the pressure of exhaust fan should be between 250 and 350 m/s. The speed in the canal should be between 25 and 35 mm/s. The canals should be chosen from round modules. And there should be no metal thing such that it would effect and make a friction in the canal like screw or nut..

The filters should be chosen suitable with this stabilization information. The exhaust fan should be certainly rarely winged and only one absorbent.

Carpenter and Mould House
The exit speed of the equipment should be between 15 and 21. (Because of the fact that no dust would be placed in canals) The equipment should be rarely winged and the engine should be out side of the cabin.

Olympic Pools
Indoor swimming pools, drying and dehumidification process of removal of the moisture is a special place and the need for special air handling units have been developed for air-conditioning brought to the desired level. Hoods, fans, heat recovery coil, direct expansion, the cooling coil is composed of hot water and electric resistance heating coil end section.

Hermetic scroll compressors are used to achieve a gradual dehumidification and cooling cycles. device; for dehumidifying cycle is connected to an electronic control system specifically designed. This control system through the summer, the pool scene winter night winter day options are automatically set to the desired conditions. The system is designed to make the fresh air and take egzsot. The device package is delivered as a unit on the electrical control panel.

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